Friday, May 18, 2012

Jobs Programs, Wind Falls for Federal Employees

Food stamp use has increased up to 70% since 2007, more people have dropped out of the job market than ever before but no worries.
The government is here to help.

Senator questions $18B for job training, as study suggest rampant waste, abuse
A study commissioned by Sen. Tom Coburn is casting doubt on whether taxpayers' $18 billion annual investment in federal jobs training programs is paying off.
"The vast majority of money we spend in job training doesn't go to job training, it goes to employ people in those job training federal programs," Coburn told  Fox News.
The 2011 Government Accountability Office study he commissioned, which examined programs in fiscal year 2009, found an overlapping and duplicative maze of 47 federal jobs programs run by nine agencies. Some were rife with mismanagement, waste, fraud, abuse and corruption.
The study found:
  • Some job training participants spent their days sitting on a bus.
  • Some were trained for jobs that didn't exist.
  • Others were paid to sit through educational sessions about jobs they already had.
  • High school students were knowingly exposed to the cancer-causing agent asbestos as part of a job training program.
  • Funds were misspent to pay a contractor for ghost employees and to purchase video games.
  • Job training administrators spent federal funds on extravagant meals and bonuses for themselves.
  • In one state, workforce agency employees took more than 100 gambling trips to casinos mostly during work hours.
I don't know why anyone would be surprised with this, it's obvious that federal employees believe that taxpayer dollers belong to them to abuse and misuse as they please.

Time to drain the swamp, I'm registered to vote....are you?

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