Friday, September 21, 2012

OK Libs...What's Wrong with the U.S.Flag?

Liberal progressive commie democrats irritate me to no end, but what really irritates me is why they feel the need to "improve" the U.S. flag to their warped ideal?

I mean what's wrong with the sight of the American flag waving in the wind against a blue and white sky? This flag that many have pledged allegiance to, died under. That symbolizes freedom and individuality.
Countless immigrants have come to this country to live under this flag and prosper.

Yet liberal progressive commie democrats want to defile it by altering it to reflect their warped idiocy.
Like this:

Or even this.

I realize that in the grand scheme of things this seems like a petty complaint but when you think about it corruption and oppression has always begun with the small things and grows from there.
Taking away what holds us together as a nation is the first step to taking away what makes us unique in the world, a people who can own what we make and create, be free to have property and do what we wish with it and live with as little interference from government as possible.
It don't need any liberal progressive commie democrat "improvement", it's just fine as it is.

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