Nothing like a little "naner-naner in your face" to harden the resolve of ones opponents.
Covering those with pre-existing conditions, not sending families into bankruptcy due to medical bills and getting coverage for those without are all nice ideas but do we have to give up our privacy and create a whole new level of bureaucratic red tape to do so?
Officials have already drafted 13,000 pages of new regulations for the new ObamaTax law.
The IRS, Health and Human Services and many other agencies will now write thousands of pages of regulations -- an effort well under way:
"There's already 13,000 pages of regulations, and they're not even done yet," Rehberg said.
"It's a delegation of extensive authority from Congress to the Department of Health and Human Services and a lot of boards and commissions and bureaus throughout the bureaucracy," Matt Spalding of the Heritage Foundation said. "We counted about 180 or so."
There has been much focus on the mandate that all Americans obtain health insurance, but analysts say that's just a small part of the law -- covering only a few pages out of the law's 2700.
"The fact of the matter is the mandate is about two percent of the whole piece of the legislation," Spalding said. "It's a minor part."
Much bigger than the mandate itself are the insurance exchanges that will administer $681 billion in subsidies over 10 years, which will require a lot of new federal workers at the IRS and health department.
"They are asking for several hundred new employees," Dorn said. "You have rules you need to write and you need lawyers, so there are lots of things you need to do when you are standing up a new enterprise."
This is a boon for all those poor out of work lawyers out there I suppose but I don't think the economy will be stimulated a whole lot by hiring thousands of civil servants to pour money into unions to help elect more politicians willing to intrude further into our privacy.
Of course having access to the medical records at your Proctologists office, there's really not more to intrude upon.
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