I worked in the civil service for about 2 years in the late 70's and even then it was a den of elitist liberalism. They all swore fealty to Jimmy Carter so you know they were a bunch of clueless, blind followers then.
This kind of revelation doesn't surprise me at all.Darrell Issa: Emails suggest Elijah Cummings prompted IRS targeting of True the Vote
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., has accused the panel's top Democrat of prompting the Internal Revenue Service in 2012 to target a conservative organization applying for nonprofit status.Liberal commies have been corrupting government for decades, we can vote out politicians but the entrenched commie/liberal civil servants that infest government jobs are pretty much untouchable.
Issa said records obtained last week from the IRS show communications from the office of ranking member Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., about True the Vote, a Texas-based, nonprofit conservative group that aims to prevent voter fraud.
The communications at one point involved Lois Lerner, the ex-IRS official who Issa's panel is poised to hold in contempt of Congress on Thursday for refusing to provide testimony about her involvement in targeting conservative groups.
“The IRS and the Oversight Minority made numerous requests for virtually identical information from True the Vote, raising concerns that the IRS improperly shared protected taxpayer information with Rep. Cummings’ staff,” a statement from the Oversight panel reads.
According to Issa, Cummings and his staff sought “copies of all training materials used for volunteers, affiliates, or other entities,” from True the Vote.
Five days after the Cummings inquiry, the IRS sent True the Vote an email requesting “a copy of [True the Vote’s] volunteer registration form,” “… the process you use to assign volunteers,” “how you keep your volunteers in teams,” and “how your volunteers are deployed … following the training they receive by you.”~snip~
They lie in wait either to subvert leadership that doesn't conform to their ideological views or to await instructions from their leftist overlords.
The best thing that could happen is if congress does a clean sweep of all government agencies.
I would bet real money that this kind of thing goes on in just about every government office.
IRS under fire: Vote for Obama stickers, campaign cheerleading commonplace
Even as the IRS faces growing heat over Lois G. Lerner and the tea party targeting scandal, a government watchdog said Wednesday it’s pursuing cases against three other tax agency employees and offices suspected of illegal political activity in support of President Obama and fellow Democrats.~snip~
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