Friday, May 23, 2014

Top of the World

I thought this article was fascinating and glimpse into something that has existed in most of us.
The sense of adventure and what it can cost.

 Death at 19,000 Feet
KHUMJUNG, Nepal—They came from six continents, each angling for a chance to reach the roof of the world. As harsh winter turned to spring, hundreds of climbers settled into what has become business as usual at the base camp below Mount Everest.
There were yoga classes, mountaineering training sessions and, for some high-end climbers, cocktail hours as they waited to conquer nature and fear and death. A team from Google Inc. had arrived to collect "Street View" images, while a Hollywood film crew was there to shoot scenes for an action movie about the calamitous 1996 events on Everest chronicled in the best-selling book "Into Thin Air."
Joby Ogwyn, an American stuntman, was getting ready to jump from the summit in a wing-suit, an exploit the Discovery Channel planned to broadcast live. "It's good to be climbing in the big range again," Mr. Ogwyn wrote on his Facebook page on April 17. "Power up."
But in the early hours of the next morning, while most of the foreign climbers slept, Kaji Sherpa and five teammates took a moment for a more somber activity: They prayed.
A veteran of six Everest expeditions, the 39-year-old knew how treacherous the first part of the day's journey—through a splintering section of glacier known as the Khumbu Icefall—could be. He knew that he and a colleague would each be carrying more than 60 pounds of supplies. And he worried about a 19-year-old brother-in-law, a climbing novice who had signed up to work on the expedition.~snip~

Saturday, May 17, 2014

EPA Prepares to Lower the Hammer

So for the last week or so Obama and the democrats have been directing the propaganda arm of the democrat party (ABC, NBC, CBS and lesser watched networks...MSNBC,CNN well you know who they are) to really bang away at the whole "global warming" or "climate change" or whatever thing they're calling it this week in advance of the EPA's big announcement.
Really cracking down on the whole carbon thingy.

President Obama’s big carbon crackdown readies for launch
The EPA will launch the most dramatic anti-pollution regulation in a generation early next month, a sweeping crackdown on carbon that offers President Barack Obama his last real shot at a legacy on climate change — while causing significant political peril for red-state Democrats.
The move could produce a dramatic makeover of the power industry, shifting it away from coal-burning plants toward natural gas, solar and wind. While this is the big move environmentalists have been yearning for, it also has major political implications in November for a president already under fire for what the GOP is branding a job-killing “War on Coal,” and promises to be an election issue in energy-producing states such as West Virginia, Kentucky and Louisiana.
The EPA’s proposed rule is aimed at scaling back carbon emissions from existing power plants, the nation’s largest source of greenhouse gases. It’s scheduled for a public rollout June 2, after months of efforts by the administration to publicize the mounting scientific evidence that rising seas, melting glaciers and worsening storms pose a danger to human society.
“This rule is the most significant climate action this administration will take,” said Kyle Aarons at the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, one of a host of groups awaiting the rule’s release. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) has urged the EPA to “go ahead boldly” with the rule, saying the agency must step in where Congress has refused to act.
But for coal country, the rule is yet another indignity for an industry already facing a wave of power plant shutdowns amid hostile market forces and a series of separate EPA air regulations. Coal-state Democrats like West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin have joined the criticism, echoing industry warnings that the fossil fuel was crucial to keeping the lights on in much of the U.S. during this past brutal winter.~snip~
Leave it to democrats and Obama to try and solve a problem that doesn't exist. So much easier to solve those than trying to stimulate the economy so the middle class won't cease to exist as we know it.
Oh hell...putting together a coherent foreign policy is next to impossible without a solution to the dreaded carbon footprint.

The only problem is that it's based on something the current administration knows all to well.
A lie.

Where Did ’97 Percent’ Global Warming Consensus Figure Come From?
~snip~But Cook’s 97 percent consensus claim was rebutted in subsequent analyses of his study. A paper by five leading climatologists published in the journal Science and Education last year found that Cook’s study misrepresented the views of most consensus scientists.
The definition Cook used to get his consensus was weak, the climatologists said. Only 41 out of the 11,944 published climate studies examined by Cook explicitly stated that mankind caused most of the warming since 1950 — meaning the actual consensus is 0.3 percent.
“It is astonishing that any journal could have published a paper claiming a 97% climate consensus when on the authors’ own analysis the true consensus was well below 1%,” said Dr. David Legates, a geology professor at the University of Delaware and the study’s lead author.~snip~
Workers and consumers are going to both take a hit from Obama's EPA one will lose jobs and income the other will see rates rise.
All for a "consensus" of .3%.

It just gets better and better don't it?

Obamas Silver Bullet?

Bill Clinton seemed to be the teflon president. Any and all scandals that were thrown at him never seemed to stick. Mostly because the media would do what they have always done with leftist administrations.
Cover for them like a blanket.
Because of Clinton the corrupt media has refined the art of covering leftist/liberal ass.
Until now....maybe.

Veterans scandal risks engulfing Obama

Leftists believe and have been able to spin other boneheaded fumbles of this administration as contrived, but the scandal over deceiving veterans and allowing some to die is not something that the lapdog media can sweep under the rug for their democrat masters.
It's also a precursor for what the democrats have in store for us and our loved ones.
You know this is government health care, implemented in the same way the post office,IRS, EPA,and every other incompetent federal program ever enacted.
Why we would want to entrust the government, especially one headed by an incompetent boob like Obama, to safeguard the health of our families is beyond me.

But hey!!
He won so we should get over it....amirite!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

EPA Blocks Accountability

It seems the IRS is not the only agency that has gone rogue under Obama's watch.

EPA accused of tolerating rampant employee misconduct, obstructing probes
The EPA was accused Wednesday of tolerating waste, fraud and "criminal conduct" in its own ranks, as a House committee hearing aired allegations of employee misconduct that have cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The inspector general's office -- the official watchdog tasked with overseeing the agency -- also claims it's being blocked from doing its job by a unit within the EPA.
"I'm very concerned that vital information regarding suspected employee misconduct is being withheld from the OIG," Patrick Sullivan, assistant inspector general, testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
"This is truly a broken agency," committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said, adding that the employee problems have gotten to the point of being "intolerable."
The committee revealed several startling allegations and cases shared by the inspector general's office. In one case, an employee was getting paid for one or two years after moving to a retirement home, where the employee allegedly did not work. When an investigation began, the worker was simply placed on sick leave.
In another case, an employee with multiple-sclerosis was allowed to work at home for the last 20 years. However, for the past five years, she allegedly produced no work -- though she was paid roughly $600,000. She retired after an investigation.
In yet another case, an employee was accused of viewing pornography for two-to-six hours a day since 2010. An IG probe found the worker had 7,000 pornographic files on his EPA computer.
At the hearing, Sullivan detailed specific concerns with the agency's little-known Office of Homeland Security.
The office of about 10 employees is overseen by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy's office, and the inspector general's office is accusing it of operating illegally as a "rogue law enforcement agency" that has impeded independent investigations into employee misconduct, computer security and external threats, including compelling employees involved in cases to sign non-disclosure agreements.~snip~
This is the kind of stuff you get when entrenched civil servants who allowed,for decades, the infestation of far left progressives into government employment. These agencies are loaded with "Lois Lerner" types who stick their noses into the air and arrogantly sniff their noses at the taxpayers.
Now that they have a fellow traveler in the White House they can evade accountability for their actions.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Only a Surprise if not paying Attention

I personally can't understand that anyone who believes that crippling the electric grid by closing down coal fired plants, gutting the health insurance industry, making our foreign policy a laughing stock among nations, millions disenfranchised from the job market, a sluggish GDP and an administration that is uncaring and disconnected from the voters could be a good thing.
But those people do exist.
For the rest of us sanity rears it's head.

Poll: For the midterms, a tilt to the GOP
WASHINGTON — Democrats hoping improvements in the economy's course and the Affordable Care Act's implementation would level the playing field for November's elections should brace themselves.
A nationwide USA TODAY/Pew Research Center Poll shows the strongest tilt to Republican candidates at this point in a midterm year in at least two decades, including before partisan "waves" in 1994 and 2010 that swept the GOP into power. Though Election Day is six months away — a lifetime in politics — at the moment, Democrats are saddled by angst over the economy, skepticism about the health care law and tepid approval of the president.
"People should start opening their eyes and seeing we're not on track," says Brenna Collins, 32, a small-business owner from Kasson, Minn., who was among those surveyed. "Not exactly saying Republicans are right but that things need to change."
By more than 2-1, 65%-30%, Americans say they want the president elected in 2016 to pursue different policies and programs than the Obama administration, rather than similar ones.
In the 2014 elections, registered voters are inclined to support the Republican candidate over the Democrat in their congressional district by 47%-43%. That 4-percentage-point edge may seem small, but it's notable because Democrats traditionally fare better among registered voters than they do among those who actually cast ballots, especially in low-turnout midterms.~snip~
Over the years Americans can be pretty tolerant about almost anything. As long as it doesn't interfere with their ability to raise their children, pay their bills and allow them to aspire to a better quality of life.
That tolerance begins to wane when people begin to lose the ability to determine their direction in life.
After 6 years of the Obama administration dismantling the middle class people are starting to become fatigued by the obstacles placed in their way by progressive/liberal/democrat policies.
So I got to ask, what are the chances that the liberal/commies/democrats will have the will or even the desire to reverse course by 2016?

Yeah me neither.  

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Obama and Sebelius' Thumb in our Eye

 Hardy har har.
Obama and Sebelius pretty much pissed away hundreds of millions of dollars on Obamacare websites that didn't work and then effectively canceled millions of peoples plans making them desperate to find coverage they couldn't get.
Glad to know that along with the lickspittle lapdog media they could find the humour in it.
Aren't you?