Saturday, April 18, 2015

Because She's a Woman!!!!!

This is from Campus Reform.
 It seems many students at the University of Washington can’t think of any reason why they should vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 — other than her gender.
Campus Reform headed to Seattle, Wash., and asked several college students if they were “ready for Hillary” and why they would vote for her.
“She’s a woman, and that’s literally all,” one female student told Campus Reform.
“Because it’s time we have a female president,” another woman said.
I would suppose that a lot of these college students haven't learned yet what the purpose of the President of the United States is. This country elected Barack Obama who's only real qualification is he isn't a white male.

Now the big thing ,apparently, is Hillary is qualified because she's a woman and that's in spite of her having more baggage than a pullman car.

I wonder if their answer would be the same if asked about.... Carly Fiorina or Sarah Palin?

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