Mexican President thanks Obama for New Immigration Policy
LOS CABOS, Mexico - The Mexican president and host of the G20 Summit praised President Obama for his administration's new immigration policy announced last week. "I would like to thank personally, and on behalf of the Mexican nation, President Barack Obama for his valuable decision by executive order to give an opportunity for young people who were not born in the United States," President Felipe Calderón said Monday morning.U.S. citizens suffering a high, lingering unemployment rate, mortgages underwater and looking at huge federal deficits into the far future not so much.
On Friday the American leader announced a halt to the deportation of young illegal immigrants brought to the U. S. before the age of 16, if they meet a list of criteria including living in the country for at least five continuous years and having no criminal record. The Obama administration says this will cut down on low priority deportations and free up resources for the Department of Homeland Security to focus on higher security threats. Critics say the policy shift amounts to backdoor amnesty for illegals.
Speaking in Spanish at their first bilateral meeting of the summit, Calderon called the decision a "humanitarian action" and "a great piece of news for Mexicans.
While Obama does his best to pander to every special interest group he can trying to buy enough votes to win re-election the forgotten man/woman continue to suffer under his job and business killing policies.
Go ahead Obama, continue to neglect the middle class worker, we won't forget come November.
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