Sunday, December 28, 2014

Obama's Corrupt Regime

Here's some Sunday light reading to raise your blood pressure.

The IRS: Just One of Dozens of Uncooperative Agencies
Darrell Issa’s leading role in the IRS investigation may have come to a close — he lost his chairmanship of the House Oversight Committee to term limits — but there is plenty of work left for his successor, Jason Chaffetz of Utah. None of these criminals has been punished; the maddening fact is that Lois Lerner is enjoying a six-figure pension at the expense of the very taxpayers against whom she conducted a corrupt political jihad. And even if that happy day should come when Lerner et al. are given one-way bus tickets to Florence, Colo., or some other suitable destination, Chaffetz and his colleagues still would have a tremendous amount of work to do; if Issa’s time has taught us anything, it is that the federal agencies are in thrall to a culture of criminality, and that the most significant crime in the agencies’ repertoire is the obstruction of federal investigations.
Earlier this year, 47 inspectors general — the officials charged with fighting corruption, waste, and wrongdoing in federal agencies — sent a letter to Issa’s committee complaining that organizations ranging from the EPA to the Justice Department were impeding their investigations by withholding information — despite the fact that federal law specifically forbids withholding that information. These are not a bunch of Republican operatives trying to score a few political points: Those 47 inspectors general comprise more than half of all such officials, and many who signed the letter were appointed by President Barack Obama.~snip~
The biggest service republicans can do for the American people is to purge the federal civil service of the corrupt, arrogant,incompetent union owned, liberal/progressive employees infesting their ranks.
The infiltration of commie/leftists has been going on for decades just waiting for a socialist administration to get their orders from.

These corrupt leftist civil servants actually collect a pay check to look down on the citizens and treat us with contempt. The worst thing about it is that they believe we are so stupid that we need their guiding hand to live our lives.
It's long past time to decertify their unions and hold the corruptocrats responsible either by firing or indictments.
If the republicans really want to make a difference they'll remind these "civil servants" who they work for.

Ban Sprinkles? Aw Hell No!!

Looks like the sprinkles for cakes, donuts and ice cream is going to go the way of other banned stuff if the FDA has their way.

Early next year, the FDA is expected to finalize a new regulation intended to eradicate even trace amounts of partially hydrogenated oils, known as trans fats, from our diets. Although the amount of trans fats Americans consume has declined significantly in recent years, the FDA’s quest to completely eliminate a particular type of trans fat threatens to eliminate the noble “sprinkle,” used to decorate holiday treats and donuts. Even a small amount of joy is suspect in the FDA’s brave, new, food-monitored world.~snip~
It's especially galling seeing as how the food police were the ones who foisted trans fats on is in the first place.
(from the article)
At this juncture, it bears repeating that a large reason trans fats used to be so prevalent in our diets was due to the activism of the food nannies at Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). The left-wing food scolds, most famous for its reports on “calorie bomb” food entrees, pushed restaurants and food companies to switch to trans fats in the 1980s and 1990s.
Putting sprinkles on baked goods at home is a time honored rite of passage for uncounted toddlers helping out in the kitchen along with icing cookies beforehand of course. The food Nazis' don't seem to have a problem with banning that along with the delightful little sprinkles.

I guess it's not like they have anything else more important to do like maybe doing something about the outbreaks of listeria or other food borne health outbreaks.
How petty do these bureaucrats have to go to justify their continuous growth?

Friday, December 26, 2014

I Couldn't have said it better

Wussy Nation?...Um No

Leave it to USA Today to see things through progressive/liberal rose colored glasses.

Wussy nation: Our view
From Ebola, to university controversies, to North Korea, why are so many so scared?
America has much to be cocky about. It invented large-scale democracy and nurtured its growth around the world. It vanquished fascism and communism, became the world's only superpower. And its entrepreneur-driven economy is again the envy of the world.
The nation has also long had more than its share of heroes — people such as Louis Zamperini, whose amazing story of survival during World War II is the subject of the best-selling book, and new movie, Unbroken.
Yet to look around the USA is to see fear and anxiety. If you didn't know better, you'd think this was a nation of wimps.~snip~
Self awareness don't exist for the biased media seeing as how they're the purveyors of rampant wussification.
I got to give them the Ebola thing though I mean the nation as whole was a little nervous about that but only because it was the government assuring us that,"they had it under control".
Who can blame us?
Everyone knows that pretty much all government agencies are run by leftist/progressive "social justice"warriors and have already shown their incompetence by misplacing dangerous viruses.
Not exactly the way to inspire confidence.

Then there is the question of universities and their "fear" of offending someone.
Universities are cesspools of liberal/progressive ism so it shouldn't be any surprise that they're no free speech zones. Progressive/liberals are the ones that are afraid of free speech on universities, not the nation.

Then there's the folding like a cheap suit Sony did after their servers were hacked and someone spilled the beans on what racist gossiping little people that Hollywood liberals really are.
They're not even sure that the North Koreans were involved so all the noise about "the Interview" basically hyped a crappy movie that most likely would have flopped without it.
Also for the record the nation wasn't a wussy about it, most people wanted it released.
It was the liberal infested studio that tried to cancel it because...who knows.

The point is is USA Today's view is pretty skewed

Saturday, December 20, 2014

2 NYC Police Officers Shot Dead because...Social Justice

CNN Guest on 2 NYPD Officer Shot Dead:Al Sharpton Got What He Wanted
Obama's go to guy on race in America is already playing defense trying to convince people he and his organization are a "kinder,gentler" group of shake down artists.
Of course this isn't his only incited body count.
But lets face it old Rev. Al wasn't on his own. Obama, Holder and deBlasio all exploited the mob by ratcheting up the rhetoric with deBlasio throwing the NYPD under the bus and getting the "respect" he deserves.

But let's not ignore the honorable mentions in this despicable act. The lick-spittle liberal media who are all in the tank for the agitators and race pimps amplifying their slogans and threats against the police legitimizing the left-wing's call for violence.

Not a one of them will ever take ownership of their deliberate attempt to incite divisiveness or violence in the name of "social justice".
What's it going to take to get society to turn their backs on these provocateurs?

Friday, December 19, 2014

A Symbol of Freedom No More

I ran across this article.

A Dictator’s Best Friend
“It’s a sad day for freedom,” Marco Rubio told Bret Baier after President Obama announced he would normalize relations with Cuba. Not a sad day, senator: a sad year.
If there was a theme to 2014, it was Obama’s persistence in bailing out dictators and theocrats from political scrapes and economic hardships, his tenacity in pursuit of engagement with America’s adversaries no matter the cost to our strength, principles, credibility, or alliances.
In this president the thugs in Havana and Caracas, Damascus and Tehran, Moscow and Naypyidaw and Beijing have no better friend. For these bullies, these evildoers, these millenarians and sectarians, Barack Obama is more than a dupe. He is an insurance policy.
Cuba is but the latest example of this president’s failing to exercise leverage in the pursuit of American strength and security and prestige. Here are the Castro brothers, decrepit and spent, their revolution a joke, their economy in peril thanks to the collapse in oil prices brought on by a strong dollar and increased U.S. supply.
The China option—foreign direct investment from America—is Raul and Fidel’s only play to sustain power over the society they have impoverished. And Obama says yes, yes to everything: an embassy, an ambassador, diplomatic relations, travel and exchange, status among nations, removal from the list of state sponsors of terror, and a serious opportunity to lessen the embargo that has kept the dictators caged for decades.
In return, the Castro brothers give up … well, what? Alan Gross, a political prisoner and persecuted religious minority who shouldn’t have been imprisoned in the first place? A second man who has been in captivity for decades? Thin gruel.~snip~
As I read this it pretty much brought home what we have given up in the past 6 years under the yolk of Obama and his minions while in office.
We have turned from a beacon of freedom in the world to the enablers of dictators and terrorist states.
In all of my 60 years I never would have thought I would live long enough to see a whole industry in America cowering before a petty little despot. While I'm sure Seth Rogen and James Franco's "the Interview" comes no where near a cinematic masterpiece deserving of the outrage and hand wringing it's getting the fact that the Norks can stifle it is unsettling.

One thing that people forget about Cuba is that we wouldn't have had to deal with Castro and his terrorist state if another democrat coward,Kennedy,had followed through on his promise to provide air support to the counter-revolutionary military that we trained and then abandoned at the Bay of Pigs.

Cuba has been propped up first by the now defunct Soviet Union until its collapse and then various other Latin American socialist countries, most recently Venezuela. Now that their socialist policies are collapsing Obama runs to the rescue of the Castro brothers.
After 50 years Cuba was on the verge of economic collapse and the Obama regime throws them a life line.

As a country we've not only lost our way but we're being herded to insignificance.
Thanks Barry.

The Marijuana Gap

Here's an interesting turn.
A couple of states are suing Colorado because pot is legal there.

(emphasis added)
Nebraska and Oklahoma Sue Colorado Over Marijuana Law
DENVER — Two heartland states filed the first major court challenge to marijuana legalization on Thursday, saying that Colorado’s growing array of state-regulated recreational marijuana shops was piping marijuana into neighboring states and should be shut down.
The lawsuit was brought by attorneys general in Nebraska and Oklahoma, and asks the United States Supreme Court to strike down key parts of a 2012 voter-approved measure that legalized marijuana in Colorado for adult use and created a new system of stores, taxes and regulations surrounding retail marijuana.
While marijuana remains illegal under federal law, officials have largely allowed Colorado and other states to move ahead with state-run programs allowing medical and recreational marijuana. But the lawsuit from Nebraska and Oklahoma, where marijuana is still outlawed, argues that Colorado has “created a dangerous gap” in the federal drug-control system.
“Marijuana flows from this gap into neighboring states,” the suit says, undermining their marijuana bans, “draining their treasuries, and placing stress on their criminal justice systems.”~snip~
I have a hard time believing the “draining their treasuries" claim seeing as how asset forfeiture is a big thing with states. Along with criminal penalties asset forfeiture, like taxes, assures an income stream. As far as stressing their criminal justice system there's an easy remedy for that.
There's another option besides making it legal and taxing the crap out of it or making it illegal and seizing property and levying fines.
Decriminalize the use or possession of pot in small amounts. Say around a pound and allow the private sale or bartering between individuals and place a limit on the number of plants that can be cultivated on ones private property.

I'm against out and out legalization on the grounds that it simply creates another revenue stream for greedy local and state governments to squander away.... like they do all taxes.
Legalizing it, as the article says, just creates a new system of taxes and regulations along with inefficient, unionized and incompetent government workers along with it.

Law enforcement should be using their resources to go after murderers,rapists,robbers and others who commit dangerous crimes against society.
Not wasting their time going after recreational pot users cause that really is a strain on the criminal justice system.

A Leftard Christmas

This is great and good on these guys for demonstrating the absurdity of the commie/progressive/liberal political correctness that has infested society.

Here's a bonus article I found that's worth reading and fits right in with the video.

Why Liberals Really, Really Hate Us

Democrats in Republican Clothing

Just because a candidate has an "R" beside his name doesn't necessarily mean he's going to vote to change things in Washington.

Conservatives Lambaste 20 GOP Senators Who Voted for Amnesty
( – There is a growing backlash against 20 Senate Republicans who less than a month ago publicly stated that  President Obama’s executive amnesty was unconstitutional, only to turn around and vote in favor of funding it last week, conservative leaders say.
“This was easy. All of them said they were against amnesty. All they had to do was press a button,” Ken Cuccinelli, president of the Senate Conservatives Fund, told
“For them to roll over so close to an election in which Obamacare, executive amnesty, and Obama’s massive and lawless expansion of presidential power were the top three issues is pretty amazing.”
Cuccinelli said he is “shocked” that 20 Senate Republicans “defected from the Constitution, defected from the Founding Fathers,” noting that the grassroots is indignant over what it correctly views as a betrayal of conservative principles.
“We just had a judge yesterday reconfirm that what the president did was unconstitutional. There’s no good excuse for what they did, which was to vote completely contrary to their own recent remarks,” Cuccinelli added. “This is beyond any reasonable understanding, unless they did not really believe what they were saying.”~snip~
Polls have consistently shown that the  American people are opposed to Obamacare,Amnesty and Obama's abuse of power by clear majorities and yet even when we elect representatives to oppose these, and other things, the RINOs side with the oppressors.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Enforcement Arm of Democrat Party May Shutdown

Russia had the KGB, East Germany had the Stasi and Obama and the democrats have the IRS. The government agency charged with enforcing Obamacare with an all access pass to our financial and  medical information has had its budget cut and they're claiming they are hurting.

IRS warns of possible shutdown
The IRS is considering its own temporary shutdown due to recent budget cuts enacted by Congress, its chief said Thursday.
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said furloughs — forced unpaid days off for employees as part of an IRS closure — is one idea reluctantly being tossed about to save money, though they are hoping they will not have to go there.
“There is no way we can say right now that that won’t happen,” Koskinen told reporters at a press conference on the upcoming tax season. “Again, I would stress that would be the last option.”~snip~
What better way to oppress people in a free market economy than with an all powerful agency given the power to creep through every aspect of our lives?
I's time this partisan agency was disbanded and another method found to fund government.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Even Atheists think Some Atheists are Obnoxious

Probably the most amazing thing I've ever heard is a douchebag atheists comparing their plight to fight against small discounts for small acts of piety with the struggle for civil rights.
This segment from the left leaning "Daily Show" is a perfect example of someone who is searching for a cause because, well he's just a little attention whore.

Daily Show: Atheist Group ‘Petty A**holes’ Who Need to ‘Lighten the F**k Up’

Whatever argument exists for the need to keep government and religion separate is completely nullified by the petty demands made by these very small people.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Yeah it's Come to this

I found a link to this in my Facebook feed that goes to Glenn Becks site. In the link is a transcript of the "invocation" given by what is apparently a deranged liberal/commie/progressive believer  in "diversity".
Mother Earth, we gather today in your redeeming and glorious presence, to invoke your eternal guidance in the universe, the original Creator of all things.
May the efforts of this council blend the righteousness of Allah with the all-knowing wisdom of Satan. May Zeus, the great God of justice, grant us strength tonight. Jesus might forgive our shortcomings while Buddha enlightens us through His divine affection. We praise you, Krishna, for the sanguine sacrifice that freed us all. After all, if Almighty Thor is with us, who can ever be against us?
And finally, for the bounty of logic, reason, and science, we simply thank the atheists, agnostics, Humanists, who now account for 1 in 5 Americans, and [are] growing rapidly. In closing, let us, above all, love one another, not to obtain mythical rewards for ourselves now, hereafter, or based on superstitious threats of eternal damnation, but rather, embrace secular-based principles of morality — and do good for goodness’ sake.
And so we pray.
I would think that if you were going to give an invocation to Allah, Zeus, Satan, Buddha, Krishna and Thor that there should be at least one person who believes in each or at a minimum all of said "deities".
But that isn't really the point. The point is to make a mockery of religious belief and by extension a mockery of the American form of government.
He could have accomplished the same thing by simply saying,"F*ck religion and anyone who believes in it" saving some time and whole lot of stupidity.
But then that would defeat the purpose of this left wing, self entitled attention whore.

They just can't have that.
Shame on the commission for enabling this self centered little moron.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Democrats Scorching the Earth

I don't think it's any surprise that after the democrats got their asses handed to them in the midterms and on the day of the oversight hearing with Gruber and Tavener that the democrats would release their partisan report on enhanced interrogations

.Ex-CIA Directors: Interrogations Saved Lives
The Senate Intelligence Committee has released its majority report on Central Intelligence Agency detention and interrogation in the wake of 9/11. The following response is from former CIA Directors George J. Tenet, Porter J. Goss and Michael V. Hayden (a retired Air Force general), and former CIA Deputy Directors John E. McLaughlin, Albert M. Calland (a retired Navy vice admiral) and Stephen R. Kappes :~snip~
Majority report translates to democrats report, like there's not supposed to be any partisan bias there.
I was watching the ABC "news" and of course they led with the CIA story making lots of hay out of the democrats trotting out the doddering old moron John McCain (RINO) AZ. (you guys in Arizona should be ashamed of yourselves)
That was the extent of their partisanship.

The fourth story in they decided to report on the pompous elitist little dick Gruber and his "apology" for getting caught saying what all elitist progressives think of the American people.

The democrats have known about enhanced interrogation for 10 years but now that the majority of them have to go home with their tails between their legs it's time to take one last shot at GWB and how he prosecuted the war on terror.

Because the Obamessiah and his minions have done so much better what with the rise of ISIS/ISIL/IS or whatever they're calling themselves these days.

Now we have 7th century savages beheading or crucifying men,women and children in the country we spent blood and treasure to liberate which apparently is way better to liberal/commie/progressive democrats then interrogation of prisoners to try and avoid more deaths of American citizens.

Priorities I guess.

Gruber admits he's a dick

Watch Trey Gowdy get Johnathan Gruber to admit that he's a pompous piece of shit and then at the end Issa points out the consensus among his fellow pompous elitist progressives.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Why Democrats Really Lost the South

The staggering lack of self awareness that liberal/democrat progressives have is almost comical.
That's the only thing I could think about as I read this article by some historically clueless hack at The Daily Beast who is totally butt hurt by the trouncing that the dems suffered in the south.

Dems, It’s Time to Dump Dixie

I guess it doesn't occur to him that he's a little late because Dixie pretty much dumped the democrats.

It's kind of funny because the democrat party held the south for decades because liberal/democrat/progressives were racist. At least that is who they pandered to during the 60's and 70's to hold power in the south.
As long as southern constituents bought into the segregationist policies of Orval Faubus (D) and George Wallace (D) the democrats had no problem with racism as long as they could hold power in the south.

As much as the democrats deny it in this century the south has moved away from the racism that is  encouraged by the democrats and have started to move beyond the racism of liberals seeing them for the party of division that they really are.

The democrat parties only platform anymore seems to be constantly trying to divide everyone by race,sex,sexual preferences and income and people all across the nation, including the south, are getting wise to their tactics and rejecting the party of division.

So go right ahead progressives and dump everyone who's gotten wise to your politics of division.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Candy Crowley Slinks away from CNN

The word is that the leftist/progressive ringer moderator of the debate between the Obamessiah and Mitt Romney is "voluntarily" leaving CNN.

After 27 years and more than a year's worth of rumors, CNN pulled its own Friday news dump with the announcement today that Candy Crowley is leaving the left-wing network. “[I]t is with mixed emotions, that I wanted to let you know that Candy has let us know that she has made the decision to move on, so she can embark on the next chapter of her already prolific career,” CNN chief Jeff Zucker writes.~snip~
Her performance as an "impartial moderator" illustrates perfectly the reason that republican presidential candidates need to stop allowing the leftist/communist media decide the terms of presidential debates.
Crowley's save of Obama was all that saturated the media for days afterward overwhelming any other issue.
She basically inserted herself into what was supposed to be a neutral setting  to allow the candidates to debate various issues.

This is the continuing legacy of the biased lapdog media and the cycle needs to be broken.
In this decade there are many more media outlets than the "big three" and it's past time for the republican party to demand either a more friendly or neutral venue.
After all the commie/leftists have been demanding the use of their biased lapdogs for decades.

Maybe 2015 will be different.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Landrieu Out

The dem that cast the deciding vote for Obamacare bought and paid for by the "Louisiana purchase" lost her bid for re-election.

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) -- Republican Bill Cassidy has defeated Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu, giving the GOP another victory in the final election of the 2014 midterms.
Cassidy's win in Louisiana's Saturday runoff pushes the Republican's new Senate majority to 54 seats in January and costs Democrats their last Senate seat in the Deep South.
Landrieu fought to make the election a referendum on her own performance rather than on President Barack Obama. But she was unable to win a fourth term against the wave of GOP gains across Southern states and the strong unpopularity of the president.~snip~
Another corrupt democrat throw out on her ear.
Good riddance.

Democrat Thou Name is Weasel

There's no doubt that Mary Landrieu is on her way to a major defeat a boss. But that hasn't stopped her from spinning her deciding vote for Obamacare.
Here she is in a radio interview saying how she voted for Obamacare to save us from single payer.
Note also the condescension displayed by her asking the interviewer where he went to high school, you know cause American voters are too stupid to understand about the nuance of her vote and all.

Losing the runoff 99.8 percent of the time...that's pretty damn decisive.

Friday, December 5, 2014

The Swimming Owl

Sounds like a great name for a neighborhood bar.
But it ain't.

When We All Become Criminals

The whole Eric Gardner episode is an illustration of the heavy handedness of political power, Somehow we have gotten away from the idea that in a truly free society government interferes in the life of its citizens as little as possible thereby creating a situation where just about anyone can be arrested.

Law Puts Us All in Same Danger as Eric Garner
On the opening day of law school, I always counsel my first-year students never to support a law they are not willing to kill to enforce. Usually they greet this advice with something between skepticism and puzzlement, until I remind them that the police go armed to enforce the will of the state, and if you resist, they might kill you.
I wish this caution were only theoretical. It isn’t. Whatever your view on the refusal of a New York City grand jury to indict the police officer whose chokehold apparently led to the death of Eric Garner, it’s useful to remember the crime that Garner is alleged to have committed: He was selling individual cigarettes, or loosies, in violation of New York law.
The obvious racial dynamics of the case -- the police officer, Daniel Pantaleo, is white; Garner was black -- have sparked understandable outrage. But, at least among libertarians, so has the law that was being enforced. Wrote Nick Gillespie in the Daily Beast, “Clearly something has gone horribly wrong when a man lies dead after being confronted for selling cigarettes to willing buyers.” Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, appearing on MSNBC, also blamed the statute: “Some politician put a tax of $5.85 on a pack of cigarettes, so they’ve driven cigarettes underground by making them so expensive.”~snip~
The reality is that this actually goes way beyond cigarettes and black markets, what it's really about is just how much are we going to allow government to criminalize our activities.
For instance people should wear a seat belt because it's a good idea but a lot of states have mandatory seat belt laws that impose a fine if you or your passengers are caught not wearing one.
While not an arrest-able offense ignoring or not paying the fine is.
Warrants are issued for over due fines all the time and if you are confronted by a police officer then you are subject to force if necessary. The reality is that government really requires you to wear a seat belt and if you don't pay a fine then they will potentially use force.
Is that an appropriate use of force by police? Over not wearing a seat belt?
Because that is really what instigated a potentially violent arrest.
Cigarettes or seat belts the question is do we really want to put citizens and police in these kinds of situations?
If they are it's not the cops fault but the politicians who pass ill considered laws in order to pander to specific groups.

Then there's the tyranny of the government using laws and regulations to target groups and individuals due to their political beliefs. Like the IRS did to conservative groups.
I've had the IRS pursue me for owing around $600.00, I'm politically conservative. Al Sharpton, liberal/democrat/race pimp, owes 4 million dollars and as far as I know still owes.

As Ann Coulter said, do not stand between a liberal and his taxes" that was Eric Gardner's mistake and the truth is it could happen to anyone.

Loving the P-51 Mustang.

Great video about an awesome airplane.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lower Gas Prices? Hang on to your Wallet

So here we are finally enjoying lower fuel prices for our cars and trucks. Savings for everyone right?
So of course the leftists are in a "raise the gas tax mode".

The gas tax has been fixed at 18 cents for two decades. Now would be a great time to raise it
Nationally averaged gas prices ticked down a little lower today -- yet again -- to $2.75 per gallon. They're now more than 50 cents lower than they were a year ago. So no wonder, at a time like this, the murmur is growing: Maybe Congress ought to think about raising the national gasoline tax.
It was last raised, in the year 1993, to 18.4 cents per gallon. That's over 20 years ago, and gas prices at the time were close to the now unimaginable $1.00 per gallon mark. Yet the amount of the gas tax was fixed and not tied to inflation -- so it has not changed since. (U.S. states also charge gasoline taxes; the national average is about 23.5 cents.)
"It’s been a generation since gas taxes were increased at all," says Paul Bledsoe, a senior fellow on energy at the German Marshall Fund. "So they are incredibly low by historic levels."~snip~
Because we all know what great stewards of our tax money the government is. These guys can't even wait for people to enjoy the benefits of spending less on gasoline before they're calling for a rise in revenue for the Highway Trust Fund.
You can also guess about the scheming going on in the blue states.
California is trying to regulate the sale of gas with cap and trade.

California Attempts to Regulate the Sale of Gas Under Cap-and-Trade

So it looks like we'll have a choice, if market forces don't turn the price of fuel around then the government will be more than willing to do it on its own.
Ain't we lucky to have them look out for us by raising the shit out of our taxes in one way or the other?

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Death and the Tyranny of the Nanny State

While the usual suspects are having a conniption over no charges being brought against the officers who used a choke hold on Eric Gardner resulting in his death, most of the media ignore the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Lessons from Eric Garner’s death and cigarette taxes
 Many people say his death is another case of white police brutality against black citizens. Lost in this public debate, though, is a key question: Why were police arresting Garner in the first place?

    Was he robbing a store or attacking innocent citizens? No, police arrested Garner supposedly for selling untaxed cigarettes. The strong-arm arresting process claimed Garner’s life, all over the sale of 75-cent loose cigarettes or “loosies.”

    High taxes produce underground markets for goods and services, and when these taxes are hiked, smuggling increases. Nowhere is this illustrated more clearly than in New York City.

    In the name of cutting smoking rates, New York has the highest state cigarette tax at $4.35 per pack. New York City piles on an additional local cigarette tax of $1.50 per pack. Since 2006, the cigarette tax in New York state has been raised 190 percent. In response, cigarette smuggling there increased 59 percent. More than half of all cigarettes consumed in New York state are smuggled, according to a 2014 report by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.~snip~
Eric Gardners death is the result of nanny state meddling in the private decisions of individuals.
The leftist busybodies that now inhabit political offices have decided to rule by "let it be written,let it be done" decree without actually thinking about or being responsible for these decisions.
The question really isn't about whether smoking cigarettes is bad for you (it is) it's really about whether the government should be the ones to oppressively regulate it through taxation resulting in a black market situation where the police basically become tax enforcers.
Then enforce the tax with force.
Instead of condemning "white cops" killing a black man people should be wondering why the nanny state busy bodies created the circumstances that led to Eric Gardner's death in the first place.

You also have to wonder what's next, will NYC police officers be wrestling people to the ground who are in possession of 32 ounce sodas?

It's not as absurd as you think.