Thursday, December 6, 2012

Congressional Priorities

Having solved all the major problems in this country of unemployment, the fiscal cliff, over regulation of business and securing a budget, congress turns it's attention to those pesky little details.
......oh wait.

Congress Overwhelmingly Votes to Ban the Word ‘Lunatic

Who says Washington can’t get anything done?
Our duly elected representatives have a reputation for being forever locked in disagreement, but apparently they can reach a conclusion when facing issues of linguistic politics. On Wednesday, the House of Representatives voted 398-1 in support of a bill banning the use of the word “lunatic” in all federal legislation, the BBC reported.
The House vote comes after the Senate approved the motion in May. The bill, which will now be passed on to President Obama for his signature, is intended to erase outdated or derogatory terms from the U.S. legal code.
We now have a federal government who prioritizes peoples feelings over the peoples business as their main legislative priority.
They keep it up and there won't be many words left to describe these incompetent, logic impaired half wits we keep electing to office. How has it come to this?
No wonder we're heading to the crapper at warp speed.

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