Saturday, May 27, 2017

Stuart Smalley goes butch

Apparently Al Franken, Minnesota's fighting senator, went medieval on a protester.

EXETER, N.H. – Wise-cracking funnyman Al Franken yesterday body-slammed a demonstrator to the ground after the man tried to shout down Gov. Howard Dean.

The tussle left Franken’s trademark thick-rim glasses broken, but he said he was not injured.

Franken – who seemed in a state of shock and out of breath after the incident – was helped back to his feet by several people who watched the tussle. Police arrived soon after.

“I got down low and took his legs out,” said Franken afterwards.~snip~  
No word yet on whether he's being charged with assault like Greg Gianforte, as a matter of fact I doubt this will get anywhere near the media.
But that's the state of journalism these days, if a republican does it it's a horrible act of violence. If a progressive liberal does it it's a heroic defense of free speech.

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