Thursday, June 4, 2015

Sex Toy Selfies

So how's that extra credit assignment working out?

Selfie With Parents’ Sex Toys? Alameda Teacher Accused Of Assigning Bizarre Extra Credit For Sophomores
ALAMEDA (CBS SF) — Parents of students at Encinal High School in Alameda want a teacher fired after they say he sent them home with an extra credit assignment of finding sex toys and condoms in their parents’ private drawers, and taking a selfie with what they find.
Mothers Kimberly Cobene and Evangeline Garcia heard about the sex toy selfie last month from a counselor at an afterschool program their sophomore daughters attend.
“It was to go into your parents’ private drawers or whatever to seek out sexual toys or condoms, or anything of that nature and to take a selfie with it,” Cobene said.
Encinal High administrators implied to the moms that the assignment may have been a joke, but not every student saw it that way.~snip~
Should be interesting to see how the school administration bobs and weaves itself out of this one. The implied joke is their first attempt, there's a good possibility that it'll just go away and they can avoid answering to anyone.
Which is pretty much how bureaucracies try to function.
I suppose it depends on whether the parents pursue it or let the school officials intimidate them into dropping it,

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