Saturday, December 20, 2014

2 NYC Police Officers Shot Dead because...Social Justice

CNN Guest on 2 NYPD Officer Shot Dead:Al Sharpton Got What He Wanted
Obama's go to guy on race in America is already playing defense trying to convince people he and his organization are a "kinder,gentler" group of shake down artists.
Of course this isn't his only incited body count.
But lets face it old Rev. Al wasn't on his own. Obama, Holder and deBlasio all exploited the mob by ratcheting up the rhetoric with deBlasio throwing the NYPD under the bus and getting the "respect" he deserves.

But let's not ignore the honorable mentions in this despicable act. The lick-spittle liberal media who are all in the tank for the agitators and race pimps amplifying their slogans and threats against the police legitimizing the left-wing's call for violence.

Not a one of them will ever take ownership of their deliberate attempt to incite divisiveness or violence in the name of "social justice".
What's it going to take to get society to turn their backs on these provocateurs?

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