Friday, November 9, 2012

Business Closings and Layoffs 11/9/2012

I'm sure this not the most comprehensive list out there but just an indication of the pain we're going to see over the next few years.


Mills Manufacturing NC - 68
TECO Coal Corporation - 90
Energizer Holdings Inc - 1,500
Update: Exide Technologies in Laureldale - 150
Southeastern Container - 15
Update: UtahAmerican Energy Inc - 102
The SCA plant in Barton - Plans Staff Reductions
Plexus Corp - Contract Loss Could = Layoffs
Yakima Regional Medical Center Washington - 10+
Crouse Hospital Syracuse NY - 70 Jobs

Business Closings

The Pizza Inn restaurant on Hughes Boulevard in Elizabeth City NC
Waltz Pharmacy in Waldoboro Maine
Zac's Place in Hinsdale IL
Lone Star Steakhouse at 70th and O streets and Ruby Tuesday at 56th Street in Lincoln NE
Career Education Corp - Closing 23 Campuses - 900 Jobs Lost
Handy Hardware to close its 2-year-old Meridian, Miss. warehouse
Shamrock Bar at Payne City's Rose Avenue. in GA?

Welcome to the Obama economy.

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