Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wendys Foot Meets Bullet

With the revelations of Wendy Davis' less than honest "personal story" starting to hit it's a sure bet that other items are sure to squeak out.

Such as this.

Wendy Davis’ Ex Asked a Court to Order Her Not to Use Drugs Before Seeing Her Kids
News has broken that Wendy Davis lied about her background. She is now playing victim blaming Greg Abbott.
It is her ex-husband who talked to a left-of-center Dallas reporter. It is also her ex-husband who asked a Texas District Court to issue a temporary restraining order against Wendy Davis in 2003.
In that order, the judge ordered that Wendy Davis “be immediately restrained from . . . using illegal drugs or consuming alcohol within 24 hours before or during the period of possession of or access to the child.”
Speaking of the child, at the time her daughter requested her father serve as her managing conservator.
Of course she knows how to fight back, the liberal/progressive democrat party way.

Wendy Davis Slams Pro-Life Paraplegic Opponent: He’s “Never Walked In My Shoes”
It’s just getting worse and worse for abortion activist Wendy Davis, who is falling on her own sword in the Texas gubernatorial race.
First, Davis was caught by a Dallas newspaper lying about her story of being a single mom who overcame adversity. Then, she sought to blame her problems on pro-life candidate for governor Greg Abbott. Now, in attacking Abbot, she’s stuck her foot in her mouth saying he’s “never walked a mile in my shoes.”
Problem is, Abbott can’t. He’s a paraplegic who is confined to a wheelchair.~snip~
 We all know what the commie/liberal medias response would be if the situation was reversed but since they're not we can only deal with this as a "local story". Unlike Wendy's grandstanding advocacy for extending a woman's right to abort a child  within moments of birth and fighting against tighter control of abortion clinics to prevent another Kermit Gosnell type of situation.
Which for some reason merited national attention.......go figure.
Hopefully the good citizens of Texas are paying attention.

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